10 July 2011

New classes and special deals!

Dear friends of Bodysense

It's hard to believe that we are already half way through the year! Winter is on its way and as the temperature drops we at Bodysense have come up with some tempting new classes to keep you from hibernating on the couch...

Monday 8:00am Mat Pilates
12:30pm Reformer Pilates (Essential)
Wednesday 10:30am Pilates for Osteoporosis
12:30pm Reformer Pilates (Essential)
6:30pm Reformer Pilates
Friday 12:30pm Reformer Pilates (Essential)
1:30pm Mat Pilates (Essential)
Saturday 8:30am Mat Pilates (Essential)
9:30am Reformer Pilates (Essential)

Our new "Essential" classes are suitable for people at all levels and abilities. The class pace is slower with focus on the basics of alignment, breath and technique. Exercises are broken down and explained in detail to ensure you learn correct Pilates technique right from the start. If you're new to Pilates, we recommend that you complete at least 6 Essential classes before moving on to our open group classes. Even if you've been coming to Pilates for a while, you will benefit from attending a few Essential classes. You will be amazed at what you learn!
The new classes will start Monday 11 July 2011.

There are plenty more Pilates classes on offer, not to mention the boxing circuit classes, so be sure to check the timetable on the website for an up to date schedule. The website also contains a description of all our Pilates and Boxing classes and a list of session prices. Please contact us to for more information or to make a booking.

We are running a few Special Deals for you and your friends:

Pilates Intro Book in for a Pilates Intro Session and you can bring a friend for free. The Intro Session is essential for anyone new to Pilates and it's also a great way to refresh your memory on the Pilates principles and basics. We recommend the Intro Session to all new Bodysensers and with the Pilates Intro Special you and a friend can attend for only $45!

Massage Our new local, fabulous massage therapist Lisa has put together a special deal only for Friends of Bodysense. Book a massage now and receive 10% off the usual price. Lisa is conveniently located in the same building as Bodysense Pilates Studio and you can book an appointment with Lisa by contacting her in 0273694634.

See you in the studio!

11 February 2011

Personal Trainers help you get the most out of your exercise.

We’ve all heard of personal trainers but why would you choose to use one? Personal trainers are no longer just the domain of celebrities and serious athletes.

Do you have the desire but lack the motivation? Have you reached a plateau in your fitness? Do you have a specific goal that you are trying to achieve? Are you new to exercise or returning to exercise after some time off? Do you want to achieve your health and fitness goals in the fastest, most efficient and safest manner? Are you limited with time? Are you unsure of the best exercises or training techniques for your goals?

Answer ‘YES’ to any of these questions and personal training will be for you.

By choosing personal training you will be supported and challenged, we will understand but hold you accountable for your choices and we will be committed to you achieving your goals, even when you are not. Our philosophy is that health and fitness transcends into all aspects of life. A healthy and fit person increases their immune system and decreases their risk of lifestyle diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and many forms of cancer. Healthy and fit people have boundless energy that is consistent throughout the day. They have much better quality sleep. They are also far less susceptible to mental health issues such as depression.

So, with so many benefits what are you waiting for? See what a personal trainer can do for you.

Mark Hester is the personal trainer and boxing coach at Bodysense Pilates and Fitness Studio He is also a Fitness Instructor for elite athletes.

05 February 2011

Hilary conquers the Milford Track!

Hilary Saxton is the 'life of the party' Pilates instructor at Bodysense Pilates Studio and a Life Coach.

Ok so I signed up as a follower of Bodysense Pilates and where are the rest of you? As a Pilate’s devotee I was kind of hoping that you other devotees might have joined in already. So my original thought was that I had to learn how to sign up but hae – I made it and I will hope you do too.

Well I’ve just walked the Milford Track – apparently one of the world’s no. 1 walks. I have to say ‘magic, spectacular, breathtaking and gorgeous’ – and that was just the boat driver… Joking!!

Seriously it was truly up there with cookies and cream ice cream. So pleased to have done it and all of the well wishes who were wondering if I would wear mascara and lipstick? Well absolutely yes and I was not the only one! We carried our own packs and food etc so I figured I’d add a lippy and mascara, what’s 100g!

To be honest the mozzies and sand flies got a little crazy occasionally but as I was up on the McKinnon Pass I had tears in my eyes. No - not from the insect repellent I’d accidentally rubbed into them but from the beautiful majestic canvas that we were actually on. So if any of you would like to know more about it feel free to email and we can have a chat. We did book a year in advance as it is rather popular. And BTW (‘by the way’ for the non texters) I was so pleased to have done pilates to be able to carry the pack without any problems at all.

Hilary Saxton is the 'life of the party' Pilates instructor at Bodysense Pilates Studio and a Life Coach.

08 February 2010

Intro 2-for-1 deal for new members!!

If you've been thinking about trying Pilates but haven't quite made it to the studio yet, this months Special Deal may be exactly what you need. For the month of February, if you join with a friend you get 2 intro sessions for the price of 1. That's a saving of $45!

Contact the studio for more information or to book in an intro session with a friend.

03 January 2010

We're baaack...

Hello and welcome to 2010!

We trust you had an enjoyable, relaxing and festive Xmas/NY. We did and we are looking forward to seeing you all in the studio again soon.

Remember, classes start tomorrow (Monday 4 January). For the first couple of weeks we will be running a consolidated class schedule so please check the timetable on the website for what's on.

No doubt some of you will have new year's resolutions that involve fitness, health and well-being and we are eager to assist you in any way we can whether it be help with:
  • general training programs
  • specific training programs for events
  • fitness groups for mums
  • nutrition advice
  • referral to health professionals
...and of course our pilates and boxing circuit classes.

We plan some big things for 2010, so stay tuned for announcements in the very near future!!!

22 December 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

Bodysense will be closed from 24 December 2009.
Classes will recommence on Monday 4 January 2010.

We would like to wish all our clients and their families a very, very Merry Christmas and a relaxing New Year.

Thanks for making it a great year look forward to seeing you all again in 2010!

01 December 2009

And the winner is...

CONGRATULATIONS to Kerrie Baker on winning the Bodysense Studio boxing promotion.

Kerrie has won a 75 minute hot stone massage at the Caci Clinic.

Given Kerrie's efforts in the boxing circuit, it is a massage well earned. Well done Kerrie and enjoy!