10 July 2011

New classes and special deals!

Dear friends of Bodysense

It's hard to believe that we are already half way through the year! Winter is on its way and as the temperature drops we at Bodysense have come up with some tempting new classes to keep you from hibernating on the couch...

Monday 8:00am Mat Pilates
12:30pm Reformer Pilates (Essential)
Wednesday 10:30am Pilates for Osteoporosis
12:30pm Reformer Pilates (Essential)
6:30pm Reformer Pilates
Friday 12:30pm Reformer Pilates (Essential)
1:30pm Mat Pilates (Essential)
Saturday 8:30am Mat Pilates (Essential)
9:30am Reformer Pilates (Essential)

Our new "Essential" classes are suitable for people at all levels and abilities. The class pace is slower with focus on the basics of alignment, breath and technique. Exercises are broken down and explained in detail to ensure you learn correct Pilates technique right from the start. If you're new to Pilates, we recommend that you complete at least 6 Essential classes before moving on to our open group classes. Even if you've been coming to Pilates for a while, you will benefit from attending a few Essential classes. You will be amazed at what you learn!
The new classes will start Monday 11 July 2011.

There are plenty more Pilates classes on offer, not to mention the boxing circuit classes, so be sure to check the timetable on the website for an up to date schedule. The website also contains a description of all our Pilates and Boxing classes and a list of session prices. Please contact us to for more information or to make a booking.

We are running a few Special Deals for you and your friends:

Pilates Intro Book in for a Pilates Intro Session and you can bring a friend for free. The Intro Session is essential for anyone new to Pilates and it's also a great way to refresh your memory on the Pilates principles and basics. We recommend the Intro Session to all new Bodysensers and with the Pilates Intro Special you and a friend can attend for only $45!

Massage Our new local, fabulous massage therapist Lisa has put together a special deal only for Friends of Bodysense. Book a massage now and receive 10% off the usual price. Lisa is conveniently located in the same building as Bodysense Pilates Studio and you can book an appointment with Lisa by contacting her in 0273694634.

See you in the studio!